It was a perfectly timed coincidence. I met Olya, our contact person from the receiving side, at an international forum. I told her about our work with international students and she told me about her a festival for AIESEC members that she organized in Vyzama. We decided to join forces and for the two following months we have been planning our trip with her team from Vyzama. So you could say that we didn’t choose Vyzama, Vyzama in a way chose us. Also, local families already had an experience of hosting student organization members and were waiting for us.
What was the most interesting part of your trip? What was the most memorable?
I think all of us will long remember the atmosphere of the cultural meeting. It took place in a children cultural center. It reminded me of my own time in primary school and our whole group looked like we were left for the day care. Hot tea, little table, steam from the samovar, Russian folk songs sung by enchanting women, presentations of our international students and the curiosity on children’s faces… Can you imagine this picture in your head? :)
What I could never expect - is such feedback. We had a rather small group of 20 students, which was great because everyone got a chance to meet each other and mingle. Foreign students admitted that this trip has truly left a mark on them: the curiosity and creativity of Vyazma children was very inspiring. Here’re some examples of their wonderful feedback:
Lena, Germany
“Two days are too short!”
Jos, The Netherlands
“More educational trips! Loved it. Vyazma's kids are the most intelligent in the world.”
Fumika, Japan
“I would join it again if we will have homestay like this time. And it would be nice if it is longer program instead of just one weekend. I was so happy and enjoyed the event. thank you for everything you did for us!”
Overall, how would you summarize your experience and your feelings about the trip?
The event received great feedback and big public resonance. I think we can safely say that our first educational trip was a success. I already have a proposal to organize another such trip in a different city in spring and we have already started discussing it. We have a strong ambition for developing this project in Russia. So, stay tuned :)
Author: Evgeniia Senkina
Editor: Alina Yakovenko
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