Mov'in Europe is an ESN initiative to promote mobility as a lifestyle.

With a vast number of mobility projects, such as Erasmus+, European Voluntary Service, different internships and many other opportunities offered for international student these days, there is a clear need expressed in the European society for the promotion of student mobility. In 2014 the Erasmus Student Network decided to support these needs by creating an international project called Mov'in Europe and thus engaging its volunteers in actively spreading the message that mobility as a lifestyle. Young people don’t always have access to right information about exchange or real life mobility stories to rely on. Through the help of Mov'in Europe Ambassadors, we want to encourage young people around Europe to take the first step towards a more mobile future. Through our online campaign and Mov'in Europe events around Europe, we want to motivate people to explore different kinds of mobility opportunities.

We believe mobility is a lifestyle that every young citizen should have the opportunity to embrace.

Members of ESN HSE Moscow organise various activities to provide local students of HSE with thorough information about current mobility opportunities:

  • Making events, such as Cultural Cafes, where international studnts can promote their own country and university
  • Encouraging homecoming students to share their mobility experience either in a blog article or a series of presentations 
  • Erasmus in Schools
  • Spreading the news about recent scholarships, grants, internships, voluntary programs etc., to show that mobility can be either free or even beneficial
  • Promoting the tools that can make applying for a mobility program easier (e.g. Online Learning Agreement)